Windows computers have a number of shutdown options that are designed to allow users to resume work quickly and conserve energy. Once they've grasped what each mode does, users can set up a plan to help manage their computer's power use. A battery-saving scheme can be especially beneficial for laptop users and may help them avoid costly laptop repair in the future.

What is a power plan?

Windows allows users to arrange schemes that manage a computer's energy usage and performance. Most computers come with a few default power plans, which are normally sufficient for most users. However, consumers can take matters into their own hands and develop a strategy that suits them better.

How to set up a power plan

1. In the start menu, click "Control Panel."

2. Find "Power Options." This is normally located under a heading such as "System Maintenance" or "System and Security."

3. Users should be able to view existing power plans from this menu. They can change these settings as they wish, or click "Create a power plan" to develop their own.

4. After they click "Create a power plan," users will be asked to name their scheme and determine what they would like their plan to do. That can include maximizing performance, minimizing energy usage or finding a balance between both. Windows recommends a balanced approach.

5. Users can then choose their desired sleep and display settings. Windows provides a few defaults – for instance, in a balanced power plan, Windows recommends putting the computer to sleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. However, users can change these times as they see fit.

6. Once finished, click "Create."

Back on the "Power Options" page, users will be able to select which plan they would prefer to utilize. Those with laptops are advised to create power plans that maximize their battery life. The longer their computer's battery lasts, the less taxed their laptop will become and the fewer times they'll likely visit a Maryland laptop repair shop.