One truly amazing thing about the internet is that there is so much information out there, it encompasses every field and niche imaginable. A negative aspect of this, however, is that the vast amount of information available can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate.

But, there is a great way to find websites, blogs and other content you are interested in without spending hours searching or digging through spam. In rare instances, these Web searchers may accidentally end up clicking on an unsafe website and needing virus removal. However, to help avoid this issue you can set up an RSS feed.

An RSS (it originally stood for rich site summary, but it also stands for really simple syndication) feed offers summaries of content from different sources across the Web, organized by topic. For example, an RSS feed for "yoga" would provide you with the latest information about the practice from sources across the internet.

To subscribe to a specific feed, you'll need to set up a reader, because if you simply click on a feed, it will just bring you to a web page of code. You can either download a reader app (some do cost money, but there are a lot of free ones, too, such as Google Reader), or install a plug in for your browser. Plus, later versions of many browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9 or Firefox, will automatically file the feed under "Favorites" or bookmark it.

Once you've set up your reader, it's as easy as searching for your interests, clicking on the RSS link and hitting: "Subscribe to this feed."

If you are concerned that you've clicked on a suspicious link or unsecure website that might be a virus, don't hesitate to contact your local Washington, D.C. virus removal center.