If your Mac is running like a slow-poke, you may not need to find a Mac repair specialist just yet – it could also mean that you need to update your software.

As a general rule, you should always be updating the software on your Mac. First of all, it's free (Who doesn't like free?), and second, it provides you with the latest fixes to make your computer more stable, safe and faster.

Updating software is easy, because a lot of Macs have automatic software update windows that pop up to let you know when it's time to update. Sometimes, these update reminders can seem like an annoyance that distracts you from the other work you're doing – especially because you usually have to restart your computer after installation is complete – but, they are necessary to maintenance your computer's longevity and efficiency.

If you don't have automatic software update reminders, simply click on the apple icon on the upper left of the toolbar. Scroll down the tab to "Software Updates," and click "Install." You will have to enter your account name and password, so be sure to have that information with you if you haven't already memorized it. One important thing to note is that after updating and restarting, you should go back to "Software Updates" again, because sometimes specific updates are prerequisites to others.

Also, keep in mind that an update is different than an upgrade. Updates are more like a complimentary polish to the software you already have on your Mac, while upgrades are a completely different, newer version that must be purchased.

If, after updating your software, you are still having speed issues with your Mac, don't hesitate to contact your local Maryland Mac repair service.