When a laptop turns off without warning, becomes hot to the touch or emits a steady whine, many users fear their computers are experiencing their death throes. But, by implementing a few simple laptop repair strategies, computers can be rescued from the brink of destruction.

Ideally, laptop users will begin these practices immediately upon purchasing their new computer, but it is never too late to start. Laptop computers are more vulnerable to overheating than desktop computers because they generally have fewer fans to circulate air. It is critical that users perform regular maintenance on their laptops to avoid significant repair bills.

Only operate laptops on hard, flat surfaces

Laptops that are placed on uneven surfaces, such as beds or carpeted floors, struggle to ventilate and can become clogged with dust. If a desk or table top is not readily available, laptops can be placed on special cooling pads, which encourage circulation and can be easily transported along with the laptop.

Dust should be removed from the vents and fans

Dust can easily clog a laptop circulation system, so users should clean their laptop fans and heatsink several times per year using a can of compressed air. This is a relatively simple procedure that does not even require that the machine be taken apart.

Remove unnecessary programs and avoid running programs simultaneously

Like humans, laptops have a point at which they can no longer do any additional tasks at the same time. Users should be careful not to assign their computers too many responsibilities. Laptop users can also install anti-virus software to eliminate any malware that could be bogging down their laptops.

If laptop problems persist, users may need to contact a Washington, D.C. laptop repair professional. The overheating problem may be more complicated than these ideas can properly address.